Saying Goodbye

Thursday was quite a day. Logan successfully came through his surgery. After his surgery, we simply waited to see how Logan would respond. To celebrate, Amanda wanted to eat at Just Poke. They had planned on it being their post birth celebratory meal but that didn't happen. So, this was a perfect opportunity to celebrate. We were extremely tired by the time we arrived "home."
Friday started with a sense of eagerness to find out how Logan had done through the night.
By the time Stephenie and I arrived at the hospital, they had already removed one of Logan's monitors and had begun to ween him off of one of the medications. Needless to say, we were thrilled to see how well Logan was responding to his recovery!
Stephenie and I had a couple of "Christmas tasks" to accomplish, so we got busy.
I left Stephenie at the hospital while I took Jeremiah and Amanda's vehicle to the nearest automotive store - an O'Reilly's Auto Parts store. They needed to have a headlight and brake light replaced. After purchasing the appropriate bulbs, I was able to get them switched out. This was one of the ways in which I knew that I could be a help to Jeremiah and Amanda so that they didn't need to "worry" about some of these types of things.
From there I went back to the hospital to pick up Stephenie and head to Jeremiah and Amanda's house (which was about an hour from the hospital). Stephenie wanted to do some Christmas baking for them.
After picking up the needed supplies from Fred Meyers and Walmart, we (more Stephenie than me) rolled up our sleeves and went to work. Stephenie made them a couple of chicken pot pies that they could freeze and use at a later time. She also made a batch of mint Oreo balls and peanut butter balls!
We got back to the hospital where we were able to spend a little more time with Logan before we had to say goodbye!

There is a possibility that they will be able to remove the breathing tube in his mouth on Saturday! That's how well Logan is doing! (The main surgeon said that Logan's lungs look like the lungs of a baby who is ready to go home!) It is possible, if Logan continues to respond and improve as he has been doing, that he may only need to stay in the NICU for a couple of weeks! It would be exciting to see Logan be able to go home shortly after the new year!
Even though we were not able to hold Logan or able to see him without all of the tubes and wires, we were so excited to see God take such wonderful care of Logan and of his parents! We certainly are looking forward to getting back out to Seattle to see Logan once he's safely at home!
By the time you read this post, Stephenie and I will be flying across the country and headed home. (We are looking forward to being back in our own bed!)
Again, we thank you for your prayers on behalf of Logan and his parents. Truly we all experienced the peace of God which passeth all understanding!
Until next time...Reach 1!
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