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 This word, in the New Testament, means building, construction, build up, making more able, strengthening.

The Greek form of those English words is used 18 times in the New Testament. 3 of those times you will find in Ephesians chapter 4: Ephesians 4:12, 16, 29. Vs 29 should be familiar to all of us:

“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” Ephesians 4:29

This thought, about edification, is on my mind for several reasons…one of which relates to our 2024 church theme (which will be revealed this coming Sunday morning).


For now, though, I simply would like you to contemplate two questions:

  1. Are you being edified? Are you allowing into your life those things; those individuals; those situations; those activities which lend themselves to you being strengthened in the Lord? (Remember that Paul tells Timothy, in 2 Timothy 2:1 to be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.) Now, I realize that you may not be able to remove some individuals from your life. I’m thinking family members, employers, co-workers, etc. I also realize that you may not be able to remove yourself from some situations. I’m thinking here about your place of employment, the school you attend, etc. However, you do have control over many things which you allow into your life. Be sure that they are building you up in the Lord, not tearing you down.

  2. Are you edifying others? God has placed into the lives of others; He has placed you in certain situations. Are you making the most of those opportunities to strengthen others? There are too many of these opportunities for us to consider here. The main point for you to consider is this: Am I intentionally using these opportunities to strengthen others; to make them a better Christian? Proverbs 27:17 states, “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” Are we sharpening or dulling? (Yes, I know it should be “making dull.” Just consider the question.)

I certainly hope that you have a desire to have your life - particularly your life with Christ - strengthened and, I certainly hope that you have a desire to be used by God to strengthen others.

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The Lord has allowed my wife and I the opportunity to serve Him, at South Charlotte Baptist Church, since 2000! It's been quite the journey. The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows!

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