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Going to Church

Quentin Road Baptist Church

This morning, while I was not able to be at South Charlotte Baptist Church, I attended Quentin Road Baptist Church which, you could say, is located in a northwest suburb of Chicago. QRBC is the home of DaySpring Bible College. I learned of DaySpring Bible College from Evangelist Byronn Fox and decided that, while I was in the area, I would stop by, learn more about their ministry, and possibly recruit amongst their students.

I certainly enjoyed the service. Pastor Scudder preached a message from Genesis chapter 11, "Where Did Languages Come From?" He is preaching a series of messages with the theme of "Is the Old Testament Obsolete?" It was an. excellent message although Pastor Scudder seems to have the same "problem" that I have - he didn't finish the entire message! (It makes me feel better to know that I am not the only one!)

After church, I got on the road to head to Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin where Falls Baptist Church is located. I will attend their evening service. Falls Baptist is the home of Baptist College of Ministry. I am scheduled to be there tomorrow to speak with their students about "coming south!" Falls Baptist Church is pastored by Dr. Wayne Van Gelderen, Jr., who is the older brother of Evangelist Jon Van Gelderen who will be with us in the spring of 2025.

Recruitment Trip

The needs of the ministry are great in every area of the United States - and around the world! Truly, the words of Jesus Christ still ring true when He said, in Matthew 9:37, "The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few."

With that in mind, as I think about this trip that I am currently on, I feel much like Barnabas must have when, in Acts 11:25, it says, "Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus, for to seek Saul:"

Barnabas had gone to Antioch, from Jerusalem, to "see" what God was doing in the church in Antioch. It says, in Acts 11:23 that when "he had seen the grace of God, [he] was glad!" Barnabas stayed in Antioch to encourage the church and to help it grow. However, at some point, he realized, "I need some help!" It is then that he left Antioch, went to Tarsus, got Saul (Paul) and brought him back to Antioch. It says, in Acts 11:25:

And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.

That is how I view this trip. I am Barnabas and I've come to Tarsus (the Midwest) to seek labourers!

While I am grateful for all that God has done and is doing at SCBC, there is so much more that I believe He desires to do and we don't have the time to waste! We need to stay at it! And, at times that means that we need additional help and assistance!

Please continue to pray that 1) God would give me wisdom in the leadership of the ministries of South Charlotte Baptist Church and that 2) God would provide us the labourers that we need to accomplish the work that God has given us!

My Big Brother

I didn't post anything yesterday, Saturday, as it was simply a "travel day." I did take a little time to walk along the shore of Lake Michigan as I headed to my brother's home.

The Shore of Lake Michigan along Milwaukee

Closed for the Season! I'm sure this is a "happenin' place" during the summer months!

Polar Plunge - I saw a couple of individuals "surfing" in Lake Michigan!?!?!? I question their sanity!?!?!

I drove from Milwaukee to Bolingbrook, Ill, where my brother, Greg, and his wife live. They let me "crash" for the night! We enjoyed dinner together while also enjoying the Iowa Hawkeye's women's team defeat Maryland! It's always nice to catch up with family members! I left first thing Sunday morning to go to church and then back to Wisconsin!

My Big Brother! It's not too obvious that we're related, is it?!?!

Until next time!

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The Lord has allowed my wife and I the opportunity to serve Him, at South Charlotte Baptist Church, since 2000! It's been quite the journey. The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows!

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