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How Will They Know?

Question: If the rapture were to happen today would ALL Christians be raptured? If all Christians are raptured who will tell the rest of the world what happened?

The rapture is that future event spoken of in 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 which consists of:

  • The Lord descending from heaven.

  • The dead in Christ - their physical bodies - shall rise first.

  • Then we who are alive will be "caught up" to be with the Lord.

  • We will then forever be with the Lord.

Accordingly, all Christians will be "caught up" - will be raptured and will be taken from the earth.

We can only imagine the scene on earth once those who have been left behind realize that millions of people have mysteriously vanished. How will their disappearance be explained? What will people think?

Hollywood, for years, has been conditioning us for that day. (At least I believe so.)

Take for example the film, Avengers: Endgame. Thanos, the bad guy, gets ahold of all six infinity stones and places them in the Gauntlet (a special glove) and then snaps his fingers causing half of the world's population to disappear.

In Paul's second letter to the Thessalonians, he states that God would "send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie." (2 Thessalonians 2:11)

There are, I'm sure, going to be a lot of "lies" going around trying to explain what exactly happened to the millions of people who mysteriously vanish at the rapture.

So, how will those, who have been left behind, know the truth of what happens at the time of the rapture.

While I can't be dogmatic on this point, I do believe that the millions (and possibly billions) of Bibles that will still be on the earth after the Rapture takes place will bear witness to the truth of what happened. I believe that there will be those - particularly those who thought they were Christians but were not - who will, in a sense, be awakened to the truth of Scripture albeit too late.

But, beyond that, the book of the Revelation (Revelation chapter 7) tells us that there will be 144,000 Jews (12,000 from each of the 12 Jewish tribes) who will become evangelists during the time of the Tribualtion. They certainly will be proclaiming the truth.

Not only that but Revelation 14:6 tells us that there will be an angel who will proclaim the everlasting Gospel to them that dwell upon the earth during the Tribulation.

Truly those who are living during the time of the Tribulation will be without excuse when it comes to the Truth. While there may be some who will not know the specifics of what took place at the Rapture, when the judgements of God begin to fall upon the inhabitants of the earth during the Tribulation it will be the Word of God which testifies to them of the truth of what will be taking place.

The greatest question to ask ourselves is this: Are we ready for the Rapture? Have we received the gift of eternal life? Is our name written in the Lamb's Book of Life? If you are not sure how to answer those questions, please take a moment to watch the video at

If we can be of any help to you, please reach out to use at

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The Lord has allowed my wife and I the opportunity to serve Him, at South Charlotte Baptist Church, since 2000! It's been quite the journey. The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows!

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