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2024 Friend Day @ SCBC

Updated: 2 days ago

The picture above was taken as our church family and guests enjoyed lunch and a time of fellowship following our 2024 Friend Day!

Thank You

To begin, allow me to say, "Thank You," to everyone who participated in our most recent Friend Day. Countless hundreds - and thousands - of individuals and families were invited over the course of the weeks leading up to Friend Day. While I understand that most of those, who were invited, did not attend, I am very thankful for those who made the effort to invite others to Friend Day.

Numbers of others participated by way of making food for lunch, greeting individuals as they arrived to Friend Day, singing in the choir, working in the nursery, and...the list could go on infinitely! To all: THANK YOU!

Sweet Spirit

I sensed, during the service, that there was a sweet spirit amongst those that attended Friend Day. Even after Friend Day, I have had individuals comment that they too sensed a sweet spirit amongst our church family. Once guest, at lunch, commented, "You have a sweet church family!"

I would challenge all of us to prayerfully seek to maintain that sweet spirit. It shouldn't come out only on Friend Day!

How Would You Answer?

That was the emphasis of the day. To challenge each one who attended to consider their eternal destiny. You can click here to listen to the message once again. (Not only that, but I would encourage you to share this message with others that were unable to attend!)

After the service, one guest, as I greeted them, boldly proclaimed, "I know how to answer that question! It's through the blood of Jesus Christ!" I say a hearty AMEN to that and pray that there are others, who attended our Friend Day, that are now able to confidently answer that question (even though they may not have come forward during the invitation)!

What's Next?

While Friend Day 2024 is over, I want to challenge you with the fact that our work is not complete! We still have time - and the responsibility - to proclaim the Gospel message! Let's not be "weary in well doing!" (By the way, our 50th anniversary is in only 3 short years! We certainly want to make that Friend Day the best Friend Day we've ever had! Mark your calendars!)

Our next Soul Winning Saturday is coming up in just a few weeks - Saturday, November 2nd! (Mark your calendar!)

Not only that, but begin thinking of who you can invite to our Celebrate Christ service on Sunday, December 15th. The adult choir, Children's Bible Hour, and others are already preparing for that Sunday!

Until Next Time...

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The Lord has allowed my wife and I the opportunity to serve Him, at South Charlotte Baptist Church, since 2000! It's been quite the journey. The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows!

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