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A Reminder: God is Good!

O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Psalm 136:1

We sometimes forget that truth that God is good. God, though, in His mercy, will remind us. The question to ask? Will we recognize His reminder when He sends it?

From my personal journal:

Tuesday, April 2, 2024: Monday evening, Mr. Rideout sent out a text message to all the staff instructing them to check their email for an important message regarding Spirit Week (which SCBA is currently enjoying)! I received, and read, the text message. However, I generally only check my email once a day – in the mornings. Therefore, I did not read his email. Besides, I didn’t believe that the email was going to apply to me. I know what some of you are thinking, “Pastor Campbell, you should have naturally assumed that the information in his email was also applicable to you!” You can chastise me if you like but I’m confident that many of you have done the exact same thing at some point! Anyway, I digress…


On Tuesday morning, I woke up at 4:15 AM! For some reason, I pulled out my computer and began working on the next lesson for my Jr/Sr High Bible class which was not scheduled to take place until Wednesday morning (or so I thought)! Side note: Tuesdays are typically “Chapel Day” at SCBA.


Shortly before 7 AM, I received a text message from Mr. Rideout basically stating that he wouldn’t be in. I proceeded to offer to preach in elementary chapel in his place. It was then that he asked if I had read the email (that I referred to earlier). I responded that I had not. He told me that chapel had been moved to Thursday! So, I asked, “Does that mean that I need to have Bible class?!?!” “Yes,” he replied.

It was at that moment that I understood that it had been God Who woke me up at 4:15 AM so that I could specifically use the time to prepare for Bible class! Wow!

Then, later that morning, as I was making my bed and listening to Rejoice Radio, I heard a song that I don’t believe I had heard before: You Are God (sung by Matt & Christy Taylor, The Wilds).

Through that song it was as if God was reminding me that 1) He is God and 2) He is good - so good that He cared enough to wake me up at 4:15 so that I could prepare my Bible lesson for that day!

I know that this entire episode likely means nothing to the vast majority of those reading this post. But that's OK. It was God's reminder to me and to no one else! Fortunately, I believe that I "got the reminder!"

Until next time...


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The Lord has allowed my wife and I the opportunity to serve Him, at South Charlotte Baptist Church, since 2000! It's been quite the journey. The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows!

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