Another Travel Day (2024 Midwest Trip)

The Trifecta
Today was a very quick day. My sister and I took our mom to a check up with her oral surgeon. She recently had a wisdom tooth pulled and they were merely checking to make sure her gums were healing properly. Fortunately she received a good bill of health!
(Side note and full disclosure: I was stopped for speeding as we were headed to the oral surgeons. The sheriff's deputy said that I was doing 67 in a 55 zone. I knew I was going over 60 but I didn't realize I was going that fast and I acknowledged that fact to the officer. The officer gave me a warning. After I thanked him, I gave him a SCBC tract. He chuckled and told me that his father is a retired pastor. Even in situations like this, I'm very thankful for those individuals who have chosen to serve our communities as police officers, fire fighters, paramedics, etc. They put their lives "on the line" for us each and every day. Give honor to whom honor is due and these individuals, while not perfect, are deserving of our respect and honor!)
After the oral surgeon, we stopped to eat lunch at Taco Johns. This completed what I like to call the "Trifecta." There are three restaurants which I "must" visit when I'm in town - Maid-Rites, Zeno's, and Taco Johns. Long before there was ever Taco Bell, there was Taco Johns. The main menu item that keeps me coming back to Taco Johns is their potato oles. You may say that they are only round tater tots but they are so much more than that!

505 1/2 East Linn Street
(Yes, I know what you're thinking, "1/2? How do you have a '1/2' address?" Honestly, I don't know either but that's just the way it is!) I know that it doesn't look like much but this is the home that I grew up in. While much has changed, much has stayed the same. (The front and side entrance doors are still the same doors that were on the house when I lived there...over 30 years ago!) This house is situated on an alley. As I drove down the alley, past the back yard, I could swear that the backyard had shrunk considerably in size. When I was cutting the grass as a teenager, I just know that the backyard was at least an acre in size! (Yes, I know I'm exaggerating...but not by much!)
On the way out of town, we stopped by AmeriTax, the tax preparation business owned by one of my good high school friends, Mike Hamilton. Mike inherited the business from his stepfather and mother. Never in a million years, while in high school, did Mike ever imagine following his parent's footsteps into the tax preparation business. And yet, after 4 years in the Marine Corp, that's exactly how the Lord led Mike. (Many years ago, I had the opportunity to specifically talk with Mike and make sure the He knew Christ.) It's always good to catch up with old friends!

Hard to Say Goodbye!
As your parents get older, it's always hard to say "Goodbye" for the simple fact that you don't know whether it will be the last time! However, I have the assurance of knowing that not only has my dad already passed on to Heaven but my mom is ready to be reunited with dad and with her Savior, Jesus Christ! Do you have that assurance? Do you have the assurance of knowing that your parents are prepared to see Jesus? If not, why not give them a call right now and ask?!?!

I crossed back over the Mississippi and into Illinois once again. I was only in Illinois for about 5 minutes, though, before crossing over into Wisconsin. As I was stopped taking this picture, a Wisconsin school bus dropped of a student, crossed into Illinois, turned around in parking lot, and then headed back into Wisconsin!
Around 7 PM, I made it to my stop for the night, Oconomowoc, which is a short drive to Watertown, Wisconsin, the home of Maranatha Baptist University where I will be at, on Friday, recruiting and meeting students!
Maranatha Baptist University is the college that my brother and his wife graduated from. It was also the college that I had originally planned to attend until the Lord changed my plans and took me to Pensacola Christian College.
Until next time!

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