Every Man
In these verses we see a prophet coming to Antioch who prophesies of a coming famine. (Yes, the gift of a prophet was still, at that time, a valid gift as the whole canon of Scripture had not yet been completed.)
The believers in Antioch, without question and without debate, as soon as they were made aware of the need, determined to financially help the believers in Jerusalem which they did and sent that gift to Jerusalem by the hands of Saul and Barnabas.
Notice, though, the phrase, "...every man according to his ability..."
Every man. I take this literally to mean that there was 100% participation among the believers in Antioch to give to meet that need.
The need. There, in Antioch, there seemingly was no debate regarding the fact that there was a need. And, I don't believe that there is - or should be - any argument as to the fact that there is a need; there is a need to proclaim the Gospel around the world. For South Charlotte Baptist Church, that need was effectively presented during our just completed Give & Go Faith Promise Missions Revival. There is a need to send missionaries around the world who can - in our place - proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Every man. Individuals have been turning in their financial commitments for this coming year for world wide missions. Thus far, we have had 20 commitments made for this coming year. Although I don't know, exactly, how many "giving units" we have at South Charlotte Baptist Church, I'm fairly confident that we have more than 20.
Every man. If you have not yet made a commitment for this coming year, I want to encourage you to do so - and don't wait.
Every man. I believe that is a New Testament model that we can use to challenge people with. Let's be a church where every man - and woman - gives according to their ability.
I'll leave you with this, from Bible teacher, John Phillips:
In the New Testament tithing as such is not mentioned as a church requirement. Grace, not law, governs Christian giving (2 Corinthians 9). However, the principle of proportionate giving applies to the church (1 Corinthians 16:1–2). It is difficult to understand how a Christian under grace can give less than a Jew was required to give under the law. We must be careful that we do not rob God.
John Phillips, Exploring the Minor Prophets: An Expository Commentary, The John Phillips Commentary Series (Kregel Publications; WORDsearch Corp., 2009), Mal 3:7–9.
Until next time...

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