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Iowa Irises


The iris that you are looking at is a transplant from my mother's garden in Beaman, Iowa, which, was likely a transplant from my grandmother's garden in Marshalltown, Iowa.

Both my brother and I have developed a love for flowers - especially for bearded irises. This particular iris (the one in the photo) is from one of the first ones to bloom this year in our garden.

When I shared this photo with my brother, he commented how much he loved the colors of this iris. I responded that, while I enjoy the colors of the iris, what I really enjoyed is their fragrance. (For those of you who might not know, irises are very fragrant flowers.) The reason that I enjoy the fragrance so much is that it reminds me of my Grandma Lounsberry's backyard in the spring. Her backyard was full of bearded irises. As a child and teenager, I never really appreciated the beauty and fragrance of these flowers.

Now, however, things such as this iris bring back precious memories.

Precious mem'ries, unseen angels, Sent from somewhere to my soul;How they linger, ever near me, And the sacred past unfold.
Precious mem'ries, how they linger, How they ever flood my soul; In the stillness of the midnight, Precious, sacred scenes unfold.
Precious father, loving mother, Fly across the lonely years; And old home scenes of my childhood, In fond memory appear.
As I travel on life's pathway, Know not what the years may hold; As I ponder, hope grows fonder, Precious mem'ries flood my soul.

And old home scenes of my childhood, in fond memory appear!

I praise the Lord for those old home scenes. I praise the Lord for a wonderful mother and father; two wonderful sets of grandparents. I praise the Lord for a wonderful childhood. I know that not everyone had a wonderful childhood but I am very thankful for my childhood growing up as the youngest child of Larry and Barbara Campbell in the small town of Marshalltown, Iowa.

God knew exactly what He was doing by placing me in that family and allowing me to grow up in Marshalltown, Iowa. All of that has contributed to the individual that I have become.

But, as wonderful as those memories are, even greater is the memory that was created on July 2, 1991. That is the day when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. That is a memory that will live on for all eternity and it is a memory that, from that moment forward, has affected every other memory since!

Do you have that memory? Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior? If not, watch the video at this website. If I can be of a help to you in any way, contact me at (912) 378-8009.

Until next time...

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The Lord has allowed my wife and I the opportunity to serve Him, at South Charlotte Baptist Church, since 2000! It's been quite the journey. The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows!

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