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On the Mission Field (2024 Midwest Trip)

If Pans Could Talk

This morning I made scrambled eggs for my mother and myself in this cast iron pan. This is the same cast iron pan that my mother used to make countless meals that I enjoyed growing up. (Or didn't "enjoy" especially if it was liver!)

I asked my mom when she obtained this pan. She said that she received it when she got married and, although she wasn't certain, she believed that it was one that was owned by and given to her by her mother, my grandmother, Grandma Lounsberry! If that's the case (and I have no reason to doubt it) than that pan has made thousands of meals!

It has been an honor to be able to be here to help my sister and to serve my mother these past couple of days. Although I was not the best son that I could have been/should have been, I'm thankful that I have been able to honor my mother in these past years. It has been a joy! (Ephesians 6:1-2)

Beautiful Winter Morning in Iowa

This picture was taken looking southwest from my mother's driveway as we were headed out. (You can see the wind turbines in the distance. They are huge!) From talking with my wife, I believe that it was warmer today - the last day of January - here in central Iowa - than it was in Charlotte, NC!

In just a few months, the farmers will be back out in those fields and once the crops begin growing, those fields will be a beautiful shade of emerald green. These fields will likely have soybeans this coming year as they had corn last year. Farmers in Iowa practice crop rotation in an effort not to deplete the soil of nutrients. Each crop takes certain out of the soil while replacing certain nutrients into the ground.

Small Town America - Conrad, Iowa

We had to run to the store to pick up a couple of items. The closest grocery store is about 10 minutes away in the small town of Conrad, Iowa. Population of Conrad, as of the 2020 census was 1,093! That's the local grain elevator at the end of main street, on the left in the picture. To put things into perspective...The SCBC main auditorium is larger than the grocery store in Conrad, Iowa!

On the Mission Field

Were any of you listening, several weeks ago, when Roger Christian shared the update about Bob & Judy VanSant? They are serving with BIMI's Re-Seeding America Ministry. (They served for many years as missionaries to the deaf in the Ukraine.) Anyway...Last November, Bob & Judy began serving the congregation of First Baptist Church in Eldora, Iowa. Well, Eldora is only 30 minutes from my mom's house in Beaman. From Conrad, we headed for Eldora. (Now, mind you, I hadn't called ahead. The VanSants had no idea that I was stopping by.)

Knowing that Eldora is a small town (population of 2,663 as of 2020), I knew I wouldn't have any difficulty finding the church and, as usual, I assumed that they would be living in the church parsonage located right behind the church. (You ask, "How did you know that?" That is the typical set up for most churches in small communities!)

Sure enough, the church is located just as you enter town. I parked in the church parking lot and walked up to the parsonage door. Ms. Judy answered and was surprised (to say the least) to see me standing on her doorstep.

We had a wonderful time of fellowship. Bro. Bob showed me around the church. In short, the church had been without a pastor for two years until the VanSants came. There were only 15 people in attendance. (That was in November, 2023.) Now, they are seeing around 40 people in attendance which is exciting! Continue praying for the VanSants and the people of First Baptist Church! And, continue to financially support missions!

Best Pizza in the World - Zeno's

One of the places that I always visit when I'm home is Zeno's Pizza, located on main street in Marshalltown, IA, the town where I grew up. (The pinnacle of the Marshall County courthouse is just behind Zeno's.) I think the pictures speak for themselves. Their taco pizza is "to die for!"

Fellowship Baptist Church - Where it all started!

It is always a pleasure to be able to visit my home church of Fellowship Baptist Church! This is the church that I grew up in and this is the church that had Central Iowa Christian Academy, the school I attended growing up. (The gentleman seated in front of me and to the left is Bro. Mike Hargrave. He was one of my teachers growing up. I thought he was old then...he's really old now!)

This church - the people of this church - had a tremendous amount of influence upon me as a young man. I don't think that I could ever put in words what this church means to me. I pray for it's pastor, Ed Hannahs, who also grew up in this church, on an almost weekly basis!

I was also able to complete a few projects around the house for my sister and mom. As my sister said, "Big Day," when I shared with her all that we did/accomplished today. Needless to say, I believe that my mother will sleep well tonight!

Until next time!


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The Lord has allowed my wife and I the opportunity to serve Him, at South Charlotte Baptist Church, since 2000! It's been quite the journey. The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows!

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