Pray for Our Police Officers

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13
Tonight, I had the opportunity to attend the Pineville Town Council meeting. (I don't often do that but I have determined that I need to attend more often!)
One of the first items on the agenda was to swear in four new officers who are joining the Pineville Police Department.
I want to encourage our church family to pray for these officers and their families.
Specifically pray for their safety. As they leave for their shift each day, one of the nagging questions in their families minds is simply this...will they be coming home at the end of their shift.
Pray for their marriages and their families. Too often have I heard of the terrible toll that this line of work takes on the officer's marriages and families.
Pray for their patience and wisdom. Through my years in Pineville, I have had the opportunity to interact with many of our police officers and to hear of many of their interactions with the general public. I say this as nicely as I can but there are many times when Mr or Miss "General Public" act like complete idiots. At times, it takes a great deal of patience and wisdom for these officers to maintain a high level of professionalism!
How can you best help these officers (and the others who serve our community)?
Obey the laws of our community! That should go without saying.
Give them your support! If you see an officer in the community, very nicely recognize them and thank them for their service to our community.
We live in a crazy world! Unfortunately, while you and I may not need to interact with that craziness beyond reading about in the news, the men and women serving our community as police officers have to deal with that craziness every day. Don't make their job more difficult than it needs to be!
Until next time...Reach 1!
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