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Twas the Night Before Surgery

'Twas the night before surgery...

It's been quite a day!

Last night, we received concerning news. Logan's pulmonary pressure spiked extremely high which caused the medical team to decide that he needed to be transferred to the Seattle Children's Hospital.

This has proven to be a God-ordained move. SCH has a dedicated CDH (congenital diaphragmatic hernia) team and are well-equipped to minister to Logan's needs.

Today, both Jeremiah and Amanda had the opportunity to hold Logan for quite some time! I don't know who enjoyed that more - Jeremiah or Amanda!

SCH was able to get Logan's pulmonary pressure lowered and he has been doing well all day. (You can see from the first picture that he's even opened his eyes some.)

The surgeons, this afternoon, gave us all some very good news! After doing their own evaluations of Logan, they have found that his hernia is not as large as we had been led to believe. Along with that, overall, Logan is very strong and healthy. He is breathing on his own with only a little bit of help from machines and all of his other vital signs are good.

Surgery is planned for Thursday morning. The surgical team is very optomistic that surgery will go well. Surgery should last several hours. Due to Logan's overall good health, his stay at SCH should only be between 2-4 weeks. He will need to be seen - yearly - until he's 18 years old.

There's much more that could be said but it's enough to say that God is good...all the time!

Thank you for your prayers!

Until next time...Reach 1!


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The Lord has allowed my wife and I the opportunity to serve Him, at South Charlotte Baptist Church, since 2000! It's been quite the journey. The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows!

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